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JAM Structural Design is up and running

We’re really pleased to announce we’ve teamed up with Jon Carr & Matt Hunt to launch a sister company to Paul Testa Architecture: JAM Structural Design.

As the name suggests our new company will provide structural design services on our projects.

We’re firm believers in assembling the best team of professionals so that clients get the most value from their project. As a result, we’re really excited about our new venture.

The ability for us to collaborate much more closely with our engineers is already proving advantageous. We’re able to benefit from their experience at a much earlier stage in the process and can easily discuss design ideas as they’re based in the same offices.

We’ve been collaborating with Jon for several years already. Jon has been involved in many of our most prestigious projects, including the Hen House, where his experience has been invaluable.

Matt is joining us after taking a break from structures; working in the mountain bike industry. Matt is working on some challenging projects and enjoying getting stuck back into structural design.

Paul and I are really excited our new venture is up and running after a few months of hard work. We’re excited to grow the business and work with other practices to deliver fantastic buildings in our region and beyond.

Visit the JAM Structural Design website to find out more.