As Roco Creative Co-op’s first-ever tenant, we’re proud to still be here three years later.
As a business, it’s important for us to support a growing social enterprise. We enjoy being part of Sheffield’s creative hub, and there are lots of opportunities to meet like-minded individuals with a plethora of events, workshops, and exhibitions to attend.
Last week, Alan was delighted to speak at the first Make Time event; a collaboration between Roco and Sheffield Creative Guild. The idea is for Roco and Guild members to come together to give 10-minute presentations about what they do, which also encourages the wider creative community in the city to get to know one another.

Alan was joined by filmmaker Jordan Carroll, Illustrator Kate and Designers Mat and Ben Lyon. They were all entertaining speakers and had some really useful insights into how they produce their work.
Alan wasn’t going to let the fact that he was on paternity leave stop him from joining in. He put aside any thoughts of sleep deprivation to give an engaging talk discussing life at the practice. He focused on how we champion good design and aim to challenge our clients’ conceptions to surpass their expectations. With sustainability being a primary focus for us, Alan also explained why thinking about our clients’ comfort helps to reduce their environmental footprint.
Each speaker was asked to share a “Make Time Takeaway”. This is something that helps them in their work, so Alan chose to talk about the benefits of escaping the computer, making a mess and building physical models of our projects. We find them immensely useful in developing our designs, and if you’ve ever visited our practice then you have probably spotted one of the many models on display.
If you didn’t make it along you can take a look at Alan’s presentation by clicking on the image below.
We’re looking forward to attending another Make Time social soon. To find out more take a look at Roco’s events page.