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At home with Paul & Alan: Q&A with planning consultant Susan Crowley

Join Paul & Alan and special guest, Susan Crowley, for a live Q&A on Friday 18 September.

At Paul Testa Architecture, we don’t like to spend our clients’ money on design fees when the planning constraints and the related risks haven’t been fully identified and explained to them first. That’s where an experienced planning consultant comes in.

Susan Crowley, the founder of Crowley Associates, is a Chartered Member of the Royal Town Planning Institute with more than 25 years’ experience of working in both the public and the private sectors. Susan has a solid understanding of planning law, policy, and procedure as well as an appreciation for the importance of good architecture and urban design.

We have worked with Susan on multiple projects and she was instrumental in the planning strategy that achieved planning permission for the Hen House. Past applications had tried and failed to gain planning, but with Susan’s guidance, we got the green light.

The proposal took into consideration a number of constraints; access, the extent of trees overlooking the site, and the steep slope we planned to build on.

Have your planning questions answered

Join Paul, Alan and Susan on Friday 18 September, 1 pm, to have all your planning questions answered. They will be discussing a range of topics including:

  • Planning applications and appeals
  • Rural and Green Belt sites
  • Residential projects

Simply click on the link below to secure your place.